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Residential Permits & Petitions

Block Party Information
Residents who wish to hold a block party on their street must complete and return a Block Party Application packet to the 2nd Ward Service office no later than two weeks prior to the desired date of the event, including the Block Party Petition with signatures from at least 51% of addresses on the block (unless your block has previously submitted an application and petitions to Alderman Hopkins office in past years).
Alderman Hopkins has street barricades available to block off your street for your event and can be picked up from the 2nd Ward Service Office in the week before your event.

No Parking Signs for Self-Moves

Commercial moving companies are required under city ordinance to obtain Residential Move permits from the Chicago Department of Transportation; if you are told by your moving company to get the permits from the Alderman's Office, this is not correct. For a fee of $25, CDOT will provide enforceable signs to eligible moving companies (via ticketing or towing) for the day of the move. For more information on commercial moving, please contact the Department of Transportation at 312-744-4652. 


No Parking signs for residential moves are available to 2nd Ward residents who perform a move-in or move-out on their own. To obtain self-move signs, please email the 2nd Ward Service Office ( with proof of residency and an ID. No Parking signs are available for a four-hour window between the hours of 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM. Residents may not reserve space for more than one day at a time. Signs must be printed in color AND posted AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MOVE.


Occasional Sales Permits (Alley, Garage, & Yard Sales)

Each address is entitled to two (2) permits annually. A third permit may be issued only after a signed & notarized affidavit is presented that shows the resident to be moving from the primary residence within six (6) months.


The permit does NOT cover sidewalk sales. Applicants who wish to sell items on the public way will have to obtain a permit for a Sidewalk Sale from the Chicago Department of Transportation.


Sales involving multiple households. Each address that is to be involved in the sale will need to file a separate permit application, even if the permit is only at one (1) physical address.


Each sale equals three (3) consecutive days between 9:00 am and sunset. In the event of rain, the sale can be moved to the next three (3) consecutive days.


Each address is entitled to two (2) permits annually.


Charitable organizations, nonprofits, and schools are exempt from the occasional sales permit process.


Fines for violating the rules and requirements, or for holding unpermitted sales, range from $50 to $500, with each day representing a separate offense.


Click here to download Occasional Sales Permit. Applications MUST be submitted in person to the 2nd Ward Office.


Residential Zone Parking Petition Process


Any resident living on a block seeking to establish or amend a residential zone parking on a residential street (which is defined as any street that exists along a block that is zoned R1, R2, R3, R4, or R5 ONLY) may request a Residential Zone Parking Petition from the 2nd Ward Service Office. The petition serves two purposes: to get permission from other residents who live on the block to establish such a zone and to help raise awareness that other residents are seeking to establish a new residential zone for the block itself.


The resident(s) circulating a petition must secure signatures from 80% of the residents on the block desired for zone parking before submitting a petition in person to the 2nd Ward Service Office. Please contact our office at or at (312) 643-2299 to meet with our CDOT Public Way Liaison for an in-person submission of the completed petition. Once the petition has been submitted, it will undergo a review process. 


Upon successful review, an ordinance will be drafted and Alderman Hopkins will introduce the ordinance before City Council. Once passed by the City Council, the 2nd Ward Service Office will put in a request to the Chicago Department of Transportation to install the signs.


Residents on the block will then be notified of the newly established residential zone and notified of the need to purchase a residential zone parking pass on the vehicle sticker.



Click here to download the Residential Permit Parking Petition. 



Speed Bump Petition Process

Residents may request the installation of speed bumps on a residential street, starting with a resident-led petition process. The petition serves two purposes: to secure permission from other residents who live on the block to have speed bumps installed on the block; and to help raise awareness that other residents desire speed bump installation. 


The resident(s) circulating a petition must secure signatures from 80% of the addresses on the block seeking speed bumps - though it is encouraged to collect as many petition signatures beyond the minimum threshold. Once the petition has been submitted to the 2nd Ward Service Office, it will undergo a review process.


Upon successful review, a request for speed bump installation will be added to the 2nd Ward Menu for the proceeding calendar year.


Click here to download the Street Speed Bump Petition.

Click here to download the Alley Speed Bump Petition.


Applications MUST be submitted in person to the 2nd Ward Office.


Driveway Parking Control Sign Application

Residents can apply to have "No Parking - Tow Zone" signs installed on either side of their driveway in order to deter others from parking too close to the driveway. Please note that a Driveway Permit is required prior to the installation of signs.


There will be an initial installation fee of $110.00 per location, as well as an annual maintenance fee of $110.00 Installation takes up to 4 weeks after payment is received.


Click here to download the Driveway Parking Control Sign Application.

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