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Shared Housing Ordinance

The Chicago City Council passed Shared Housing reform in July 2015. Read the summary of the ordinance, or the full-text of the ordinance.


Under the new Shared Housing Ordinance, the owners of buildings containing five or more dwelling units, along with cooperative buildings, condominium buildings, and buildings governed by a homeowners association can exclude short-term rental activity (i.e. rental or occupancy of a dwelling unit for 31 or fewer consecutive days) in the building.


The Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection (BACP) recently published a list of buildings prohibited from allowing shared housing and short-term rental use. You can review the list by clicking here.


In order to place a building on the Prohibited Buildings List, the building owner or authorized agent of the cooperative building, condominium building, or building governed by a homeowners association, must complete an Affidavit For Inclusion In Prohibited Buildings List, and submit a notarized original affidavit to:


Department of Business Affairs & Consumer Protection
ATTN: Prohibited Buildings List
121 N. LaSalle St., City Hall, Room 805
Chicago, IL 60602


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